Guest Blog post by

Ayana Elon


Black Girl AI

To Ai or not to AI

The AI Image Revolution: When to Embrace and When to Stick with Traditional Methods

In today’s rapidly changing digital world, the question of when to use AI-generated images versus hiring a professional photographer or designer is gaining more significance. As someone who navigates both areas, I would like to share my thoughts on this topic, drawing from personal experience and observations.

The Rise of AI in Visual Content Creation

While Prisma Labs was founded in 2016 and launched the Lensa AI app in 2018, it wasn’t until November 2022 that they launched their magic avatars feature. Lensa allows users to upload different selfies and uses AI to create portraits in different settings within minutes. During November and December of 2022, it was next to impossible to log onto social media without seeing the AI-generated images on our Facebook news feeds. Lensa was the current craze and to date, it has over 10 million downloads on Google Play alone.

AI-generated images have quickly gained attention, offering a quick, very accessible, and often cost-effective solution for visual content. From book covers to marketing materials, these images have found their way into various applications. With so many options for Generative AI applications such as Lensa, Midjourney, and Adobe Firefly, it would be hard to believe that AI won’t continue to transform the creative industry, making high-quality visuals more readily available to everyone from casual hobbyists to professional designers.

I have personally seen images I created using prompts in Midjourney (an artificial intelligence program and service that generates images based on textual descriptions provided by users) used on notebooks, cups, t-shirts, and even canvas prints by those who have received them for free or purchased them from me. The versatility and speed of AI image generation are undeniable advantages.

When to Embrace AI Images

  1. Fast Prototyping: AI is great for quickly bringing concepts or ideas to life.
  2. Budget-Friendly Options: For small businesses or individuals with tight budgets, AI can offer good visuals at a lower cost.
  3. Fresh Artistic Ideas: AI can create unique and innovative visuals that could inspire new creative paths.
  4. Temporary or Placeholder Content: When you need a quick visual for a draft or temporary use, AI can be a great solution.
  5. Extra Graphics: For additional images in projects where custom photos aren’t always practical.

When to Hire a Professional

  1. Business and Family Portraits: You can’t beat the personal touch and authenticity of a real photoshoot for these key moments.
  2. Brand Identity: For key elements like logos, a professional designer can make sure your visuals match your brand strategy perfectly.
  3. Detailed or Unique Needs: When you need exact control over every part of an image, a human touch is usually needed.
  4. Legal and Commercial Use: When image rights and permissions are crucial, working with a pro ensures everything is clear and compliant.
  5. Emotional Impact: To capture real emotions and interactions, especially in event photography, human photographers still can’t be matched.

The Middle Ground

Interestingly, even as AI tools become more accessible, there is still a strong demand for human-created content. In 2023 and early 2024, I taught several people how to use Midjourney, yet many of them continue to purchase my designs. This suggests that there is value in both AI-assisted and human-created content.

AI as a Tool, Not a Replacement

It is important to view AI as a tool that enhances rather than replaces human creativity. Photographers and designers can use AI to broaden their services, simplify workflows, and give clients more choices. For instance, AI can assist in background removal, image enhancement, or generating concept art for further development.

The Importance of Adaptability

As AI continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly important for professionals, not only in photography and design, but in all fields to familiarize themselves with these tools. Knowing what AI can and can’t do helps creatives stay ahead and discover new ways to integrate these technologies into their work.

The Sensitivity of the Subject

Despite the potential benefits, it is important to acknowledge that AI in creative fields remains a sensitive topic. Some view it as a threat to traditional skills and livelihoods. I have witnessed photographers excited about AI possibilities only to step back due to backlash from peers. When Midjourney took off with many users in December 2022 and January 2023, those who had friendships with photographers were divided, and several connections were severed due to the use of AI, not just in professional settings but also for recreational purposes. This underscores the need for open dialogue and education about AI’s role in creative industries.

The key takeaway is that AI-generated images and professional photography/design each have their place. There are great benefits to both. Rather than viewing them as mutually exclusive, we should consider how they can complement each other. As with any tool, the appropriateness of AI-generated images depends on the specific context, requirements, and goals of each project. AI will bring many changes in the years ahead, but human creativity will remain highly valuable.

As we move through this new space, it would be ideal to remain open-minded, adaptable, and respectful of different perspectives. This subject may remain divisive for a while, but embracing both AI and traditional methods can lead to fresh solutions and opportunities. With rapid and continuous advancements, AI will continue to be an asset. By embracing the strengths of both AI and human creativity, we can use it as leverage to enhance our work by pushing the boundaries of visual content creation. Ultimately, we would elevate our craft, deliver more compelling and diverse content, and better meet the evolving needs of our clients and audiences.

To Ai or not to AI

When you’re ready to elevate your brand, or create amazing images, Im ready too! Click the link to get started.